Howto export public keys

There are three respectively four steps for exporting public keys. We assume, that Bobby wants to export Alice's and his key to give it to Charly, so that he can encrypt messages and files to them.

STEP 1: Open the key management

First Bobby opens the key management through the toolbar.

open key management

STEP 2: Choose keys

Secondly he checks Alice's and his own key.

choose the keys

STEP 3: Choose export key

Now he browses through the menu key -> export to file (respectively key -> export to clipboard). If he chooses to export the files to clipboard, he's finished now. Otherwise the next step follows. Alternatively he can choose the export through the toolbar.

choose export to file

STEP 4: Select the file

Now he chooses the file to store the keys to.

choose file

NOTE: To give your public key to someone else, you also can append the key to the text in the editor-field through the context menu in the keylist.
